An in-depth review of Ankle Fractures. Ortho Reviews - Flashcard

What is the classification system for distal fibula/lateral malleoli fractures?

The correct answer is:
Webers classification system is used for distal fibula fractures and classifies them based on their orientation to the syndesmosis.

Weber A: infrasyndesmotic
Weber B: transsyndesmotic
Weber C: suprasyndesmotic

The more proximal the fracture the higher likely hood of syndesmotic disruption.

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What is the main classification system for ankle fractures?

The Lauge-Hansen system has 4 types and each has a unique feature (shown below). Lauge-Hansen stages these fracture patterns from stages 1-4 and it is much more detailed than presented here. This is an extremely simplified version, but knowing the unique features will allow you to determine the type of ankle fracture your viewing.

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You are in the ED trying to reduce an ankle fracture and you’re unable to perform the reduction. What eponymous fracture might this patient have?

A Bosworth Fracture! The proximal fibular fragment becomes fixated on the posterior tibial tubercle hindering reduction.

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